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Douxla Office

Coding Workshop

Jl. Trans Sulawesi (Ako)
Morobio, Depan Lorong RSUD
Pasangkayu, Sulawesi Barat 91571

Call center

Kami dapat dihubungi pada sore hari pukul 14.00 s/d 22.00 WITA.

+62 8524 2666 706
(WA Available)

Electronic Support

Please feel free to write an email to us or to use our electronic ticketing system.


Contact form

Pesan yang anda kirim akan direspon dalam waktu secepat mungkin tergantung pada tingkat urgensi dan esensi persoalan yang anda kirimkan. Mohon bersabar selama masa menunggu balasan!

Harap menghubungi kami pada konteks yang sesuai dengan problem yang kemungkinan bisa kami tangani secara teknis maupun secara moril.

It's time to go online!

Doing online learning is more fun. You have ability to take control of your learning progress as well. Teachers can make scoring of each student's tasks just in seconds. Yet, the scores are absolutely valid because teachers always using rubrics to do the scoring.